Probe QAQC ParametersΒΆ

    paired_sensor: PRI_01
    # precision in mm
    precision: 0.254
    tank_min: 0
    tank_max: 412
    # calculated from 5 years (WY 2018-2022)
    # 75percentile of 15 min precip where >0 and drain=True
    drain_event_max_recharge: 2.67
    use_pair: False
    drain_event_window: 3
    ppt_runavg_window: 4
    drain_event_nstd: 2
        # each item on this list (-) is an event dictionary with specific information
        - start: '10/19/17 1645'
          end: '10/19/17 1645'
          replace_wNAN: True
          flag: 'M'
          explanation: Spike at drain start. Broken siphon sitting on scale while repairs attempted.
        - start: '11/21/17 1315'
          end: '11/21/17 1345'
          replace_wNAN: False
          flag: Q
          explanation: Cancel autoflag as recharge. 1 mm tank drop at time of 3.05 mm precip (daily peak).
        - start: '4/17/18 1345'
          end: '4/17/18 1345'
          replace_wNAN: True
          flag: M
          explanation: Spike at drain start (weight of siphon).
        - start: '9/30/20 0915'
          end: '9/30/20 0915'
          replace_wNAN: True
          flag: 'M'
          explanation: Spike at drain start (weight of siphon). No rain rest of day.
        - start: '11/8/21 1000'
          end: '11/8/21 1000'
          replace_wNAN: False
          flag: Q
          explanation: Tank level spikes, then immediately comes back down.
        - start: '1/4/22 1145'
          end: '1/4/22 1145'
          flag: M
          explanation: Spike at drain start (weight of siphon). No rain rest of day.
          replace_wNAN: True
        - start: '2/25/19 0630'
          end: '2/28/19 1130'
          flag: '*'
          explanation: Snowdown overflowed noahiv with snow.
          replace_wNAN: True
#        - start: '4/8/19 0330'
#          end: '4/9/19 1630'
#          flag: U
#          explanation: Tank overflow. No precip recorded.
#          replace_wNAN: True
#          use_orig_val: False